目录 内容简介 编辑推荐
Ⅰ Equilibrium Tensor Properties of Solids
1. Introduction
2. Introduction to Tensor Notation, Tensor Transformations, Tensor Calculus, and Matrix Representation
3. Crystal Systems, Symmetry Elements, and Symmetry Transformations
4. Generalized Thermostatics and the Systematic Correlation of Physical Properties
5. The Dependent Coupled Effects and the Interrelationships Between First-Order Tensor Properties- Use of Interaction Diagrams
6. Third- and Fourth- Rank Tensor Properties- Symmetry Considerations
7. Second- and Higher- Order Effects- Symmetry Considerations
Ⅱ Transport Properties of Solids
8. Introduction to Transport Properties and the Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes
9. Thermoelectric, Piezothermoelectric, and Diffusive Effects in Solids
10. Effects of Magnetic Field on the Transport Properties
Author Biography